
FUE Hair Transplant

Do you suffer from hair loss and are looking for a permanent solution? At GlobalHair, we can advise you whether an FUE hair transplant or another treatment method that can help you. FUE is an advanced technique aimed at restoring your hair growth, with the aim of restoring self-confidence. We are happy to help you activate dormant hair follicles or transplant healthy ones to the desired area if needed. Anything to make you feel confident again.

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What is an FUE hair transplant

A commonly used technique for hair transplantation is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). This method involves removing individual hair follicles from the skin and transplanting them to another part of the body, thus performing a hair transplant. This will make the hair in the recipient area look fuller. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) was developed as an improvement on the outdated follicular unit transplant (FUT) procedure. FUT transplants grafts in groups from a strip of skin to the target site. This is done by removing a large piece of skin or scalp, including the follicles, and placing it at the target site. This procedure carries greater risks and leaves permanent scars on the skin.

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What hair problems is the FUE method suitable for?

The FUE method is suitable for a wide range of people, both men and women, who suffer from baldness or hair loss. FUE hair transplantation can be an excellent solution if you are struggling with hair loss or thinning hair and there is enough hair to transplant. In general, FUE is a suitable choice for:

  • Patients with localised or scattered hair loss
  • Patients with a limited amount of donor hair who want to use it efficiently
  • Patients who want to avoid scarring
  • Patients who want to hide scars from previous hair transplant procedures or scars from other causes
  • Patients who want to restore or lower their natural hairline
  • Patients who would benefit from a shorter recovery time, allowing them to resume their normal activities faster
  • Patients who have previously had a hair transplant and want to improve on their disappointing result or complement an earlier result
  • Patients looking for a more personalised and precise hair transplant treatment

The FUE method is an effective hair transplantation technique, but it is not suitable for everyone. For example, FUE is not suitable for:

  • Patients with insufficient donor hair
  • Patients with certain medical conditions such as bleeding disorders, uncontrolled diabetes, or autoimmune diseases
  • Patients with active scalp infections or conditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis or chronic seborrheic dermatitis should get their condition under control before considering hair transplantation
  • Patients with scarring alopecia involving scarring, such as lichen planopilaris or frontal fibrosing alopecia, may be at increased risk of poor healing and poorer results

The FUE technique is accessible to patients in good health and of all ages who wish to undergo a hair transplant. While a full donor area with dense, good-quality hair is ideal, people with a weaker donor area can also benefit from an FUE hair transplant. Curious about the best choice for your hair type? Let our specialists inform you with tailor-made advice. We may advise you to opt for a DHI hair transplant, Sapphire hair transplant or Stem Cell hair transplant.

The advantages of FUE hair transplantation

Undergoing an FUE hair transplant at Global Hair: step by step

The consultation

You first come for a consultation to discuss your hair problems. Using a scan, we can assess important factors such as the quality of the hair structure, the ratio of single to multi grafts, the density of the donor area and the quality of the scalp. Based on the health and quality of your hair, the desired hair density and the transplant area, you will receive an honest and personalised tailor-made advice, determining whether you qualify for a hair transplant that meets your needs.

Book a consultation

The treatment day

Prior to treatment, you will discuss the daily programme with your doctor and attendant and reaffirm your wishes and preferences. Then the transplant area and/or hairline will be marked off. A small amount of blood is taken to check your values and assess whether it is medically justifiable to continue treatment. This only takes a few minutes.

Harvesting the grafts

First, the donor area is fully anaesthetised. After anaesthesia, we start collecting hair follicles from the donor area, carefully selecting the best quality hair follicles, both single and multi grafts. The transplant area is then anaesthetised, after which the channels are opened for the new hair follicles. When implanting the grafts, the single and multi grafts are placed in the best possible areas by both the doctor and the hair transplant technician. The treatment takes between 4 and 8 hours on average, depending on the size of the transplant area. After the treatment, you will receive all necessary aftercare products and instructions from us.


In the follow-up phase, our consultants are available to you daily to monitor recovery and hair growth with you. In addition, you are always welcome for a physical interim check-up at our clinic in Barendrecht. A final check-up follows after 12 months to review the final result with you. GlobalHair has more than 10 years of experience with FUE hair transplants. We go for optimal results by using the unique V6 Hairboost in combination with our high-quality hair transplants. Our expertise is also reflected in excellent experiences.

See before-and-after photos

Did you know?

Did you know that the FUE technique was developed to avoid scarring from hair transplants? By harvesting and transplanting individual hair follicles, FUE provides treatment without visible scars and promotes faster recovery for patients, unlike older techniques that used a full strip of skin and left large scars.

Frequently asked questions about FUE hair transplants