Hair transplant
Do you suffer from hair loss and does it create insecurity? This can have a big impact on your self-confidence and it is quite understandable that you are looking for a solution to this. At GlobalHair, we will help you stop walking around with this insecurity and give you a confidence boost. A hair transplant with us gives you the best results because of its exceptional quality, but most importantly, it makes you feel good and confident when you look in the mirror. Enrich your life with our hair transplants!

A perfect solution for hair loss
Want more information about a hair transplant? Then we at GlobalHair are here for you! With us, it is possible to get a free consultation, during which we take the time to listen to your story. This way, we always give an honest and appropriate advice for your hair. Not only do we offer an effective solution of the highest quality; the results also have a positive impact on your confidence and social life. Say goodbye to uncertainty about hair loss with a transplant of the highest quality. We don't say that lightly, because our results speak for themselves! A hair transplant at GlobalHair can ensure natural-looking hair growth and long-lasting results. After all, our mission is to enrich your life by regaining self-confidence thanks to a beautiful full head of hair. We do not see any hair transplant as 'impossible'.

How does a hair transplant work?
At GlobalHair, we use the modern Sapphire method to transplant hair. This technique is one of the most popular hair transplantation techniques in the world and is known for its excellent results. The Sapphire technique is the latest development within the FUE hair transplantation method. This means that we can achieve even better results with the already successful FUE method. This technique is offered in several hair clinics, including at GlobalHair. With the Sapphire technique, a higher hair density is achieved. In this method, each hair follicle is harvested individually with a micromotor. The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, which ensures a comfortable experience without much pain. Want to know more about exactly how a hair transplant is done? Then feel free to contact us!

What are the benefits of hair transplantation?
Do you suffer from (incipient) hair loss or thinning hair? Then a hair transplant offers many advantages! A hair transplant at GlobalHair means: Guaranteeing the best result, Excellent quality, A quick recovery period, Creating more self-confidence, Restoring natural hair growth, Going through life with a full head of hair.
Minimally invasive technique
The FUE method is a minimally invasive technique that relocates individual hair follicles without large incisions or scars, making recovery faster and more comfortable.
Natural results
An FUE hair transplant ensures natural results, as the transplanted hairs are placed in the same growth direction and density as the original hair.
Shorter recovery time
FUE hair transplants offer a shorter recovery time, thanks to the minimally invasive technique and avoidance of large scars.
De beste kwaliteit haartransplantatie bij GlobalHair!
Onze missie is om jouw leven te verrijken en je te helpen met meer zelfvertrouwen door het leven te gaan. Kunnen wij je hierbij helpen? Neem dan gerust contact met ons op. We gaan graag met je in gesprek om de beste oplossing voor jouw haar te vinden. Elke haartransplantatie is uniek en vereist een persoonlijke aanpak. En dat weten wij als geen ander. Onze doktoren hebben altijd een passende oplossing - zelfs als je denkt dat het ‘onmogelijk’ voelt, komen wij tot het beste resultaat voor jouw haar.